Image of a female nursing student adjusting a bag valve mask on a nursing sim

NAC Application

Submit your application to the Nursing Assistant Certified program

Application Process

If you are ready to enroll in the Nursing Assistant Program, here are the steps to get started:

  1. Become a TCC student and get an ID number
  2. Review the NAC Program Packet
  3. Please review the estimated Fees and Costs associated with the Nursing Assistant Program. Find out if you are eligible for Workforce Education Funding or other types of aid at
  4. Complete the immunizations and titers listed in the NAC application packet. If you need a declination form, please see below.
    1. Declination of Influenza Vaccination (if applicable)
    2. Hepatitis B Declination Form (If you don't have a blood titer showing immunity to Hepatitis B, you MUST submit this document) 
    3. COVID Medical Exemption Form (if applicable)
    4. COVID Religious Exemption Form (if applicable)
  5. Collect proof of vaccinations and immunity titers and sign any declination forms, if applicable. 
  6. Apply to the NAC program. Directions are in the NAC application packet.
  7. If you are accepted in to the cohort, you will be given next step information.
  8. Get ready to begin classes


For more information about the Nursing Assistant Program, please email