Enroll in Classes
Enrollment is the process of enrolling in classes each quarter. To search for classes visit our Class Search tool.
Reference the Academic Calendar to see the listed deadlines for the last day to add credit classes without instructor permission and the last day to add credit classes with instructor permission. If instructor permission is required a permission code is needed. Permission Codes can only be generated by instructors. Instructors who are seeking instructions on generating permission codes can visit the Staff and Faculty- Instructor Permission Codes site.To be able to enroll you must be Term Acitivated and have a declared Program Plan. You can check if your plan is declared by navigating to the My Program page from your Student Homepage in ctcLink.
Your Student ID Number/ctcLink ID can be found by visiting My E-Services. Visit Set Up your TCC Accounts if you will be logging into ctcLink for the first time.
Enroll in Classes using ctcLink
How to Guide: Enrolling in Classes
- Select Student Homepage--> Manage Classes--> Class Search and Enroll
- Select the correct Term and College
- Enter the class you want to search for in the search box
- View classes and select your option
- Select Next then Accept- A permission number is optional in Step 2. Instructors can assign you a permision number for a prerequisite override, class overload or for classes that require instructor permission, if you receive a permission number enter it at this step.
- Select Next for Step 3, the enroll field should be selected. If the enroll field is not displaying then registration for the term is not available. You can check the Enrollment Dates tab for enrollment appointments.
- Submit
Enroll in Classes using Class Search or the Mobile App
Mobile Application (HCX)
On your mobile device, proceed to the App Store (iOS)/Play Store (Android) locate and install the ctcLink app from the search results. Note: The app publisher is WA SBCTC or WA State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
Enrollment Appointments
Enrollment appointment times are used to grant priority registration to specific student groups when the Priority Enrollment period begins. Enrollment appointment times are determined by the total number of credits a student has completed. Certain student groups receive priority enrollment times based on state law and institutional policies. Please view the list of Priority Registration Groups below for additional information.
Enrollment appointment times are assigned shortly after the Financial Aid Census date each quarter and students will receive notification to their preferred email in ctcLink. After appointment times are assigned, you can view your enrollment appointment time in ctcLink through the following navigation: Student Homepage-->Manage Classes--> Enrollment Dates. Select the appropriate term, then click "Continue" to view your enrollment appointment time.
Please note that not all students will receive an enrollment appointment time. If you don't see an enrollment time after they have been assigned, that means that you will be able to enroll once the Open Enrollment period begins.
For questions regarding your enrollment appointment time, please contact enrollmentservices@nigzob.com.
Priority Registration Groups
Day 1 of Priority Enrollment:
8am: Veterans / Military Affiliated
11am: Access Services, Fresh Start, International Programs, Transitional Studies
2pm: 75+ Credits
Day 2 of Priority Enrollment:
8am: Athletes, The Center for Student Advocacy and Multicultural Support, Running
Start, Supplemental Instruction
11am: 60+ credits
2pm: 45+ credits
Day 3 of Priority Enrollment:
8am: 30+ credits
11am: 15+ credits
2pm: 1+ credits
Day 4 of Priority Enrollment:
8am: Returning students who have been out over a year. Students must email enrollmentservices@nigzob.com to receive this enrollment appointment time.
Priority Registration Feedback
Validate Classes
Prior to your enrollment appointment time or the Open Enrollment period, you can use the Shopping Cart to validate your classes. Validating your classes allows you to plan ahead by checking to see if you have met the prerequisites for the classes you wish to enroll in before your enrollment begins. Simply add classes to your Shopping Cart, click "Validate," and ctcLink will tell you whether your enrollments will be successful when it's time for you to enroll. Check out our How-To Guide below for more information and don't forget to finish enrolling from your shopping cart once your appointment time arrives! Please note that validating your classes is optional and not required prior to enrolling.
How to Guide: Validate Classes
Shopping Cart Enrollment
After your enrollment appointment time has occurred. You can add classes that are in your Shopping Cart by selecting Manage Classes--> Shopping Cart--> Term and Tacoma Community College-->Selecting Courses--> ENROLL. A confirmation message will display asking, "Are you sure you want to enroll?" select yes. After enrolling review your class schedule by selecting View My Classes.
Need a Permission Number to enroll in classes?
Permission numbers are provided by instructors. A Instructor Permission Code can override closed classes, pre-requisites, consent required and career restrictions. Reach out to your instructor if you need a permission code. Once received login to ctcLink and enroll in the class by using the code.
Enroll with a Permission Number
- Select Student Homepage
- Select Manage Classes
- Select Class Search and Enroll
- Select the correct Term and College (Example: SPRING 2022, Tacoma Community College)
- Enter class you want to search for in the search box
- View classes and select your option
- Select Next
- NOTE: if a class is full you will be prompted to answer the following question. "Add to waitlist if class is full?" answer Yes. Doing so will turn on the field to enter a permission code.
- Select Accept- Enter permission number in Step 2. If the permission number box does not appear. This means a permission code was not generated for the course. Consult your instructor for the specific class number associated with the permission code.
- Select Next for Step 3, the enroll field should be selected. If the enroll field is not displaying then registration for the term is not available. You can check the Enrollment Dates tab for enrollment appointments.
- Submit
Enrollment Errors
Did you recieve an enrollment error? Below are common errors and instructions on how to resolve them.
Late Add a Course
Adding a class after the 10th instructional day of the quarter must be petitioned. You must have been participating in the class prior to the 10th day of instruction and must provide documentation of extenuating circumstances that prevented registration by the established deadlines. If approved, you will be required to pay a late add fee of $36.50 per class. If petition is approved, payment for the class will be due immediately.
Class Modalities
Modality | Definition |
Online Scheduled | Instruction occurs online with scheduled meetings held at specific days and times noted in the class schedule. |
Online Scheduled with In-Person Activites (**New Winter 2025**) | Instruction occurs online with scheduled meetings held at specific days and times noted in the class schedule . Additionally, there are a limited number of scheduled in-person activities (assessment, exam and/or orientation) that are required for class completion. The number of in-person activities will not be greater than the number of credits enrolled (e.g., a five-credit class is limited to five in-person activities). Information about in-person activities is included in the class notes. |
Online Asynchronous | Instruction occurs online without scheduled meeting times. |
Online Asynchronous with In-Person Activities (**New Winter 2025**) | Instruction occurs online without scheduled meeting times. Additionally, there are a limited number of scheduled in-person activities (assessment, exam and/or orientation) that are required for class completion. The number of in-person activities will not be greater than the number of credits enrolled (e.g., a five-credit class is limited to five in-person activities). Information about in-person activities is included in the class notes. |
Hybrid | Instruction features a blend of in-person schedule meeting times and online learning. The division of in-person and online learning for each hybrid class will vary depending on the course content and the faculty preference |
In Person (Web Enhanced) | Instruction occurs in-person with scheduled meeting times aided by web-based tools such as Canvas. |
Senior Citizen Tuition Reduction
Enrollment for Senior Citizen Tuition Reduction opens on the first instructional day
of the quarter, on a space available basis. Space availability is determined by the
number of open seats
below the capacity of the class. Enrolling for classes earlier than the first instructional
day can result in disqualification of the reduction.
State Employee Space AvailableTuition Waiver
As space is available, state employees can take up to two classes not to exceed 10 credits total per quarter. The cost is $5 per class plus applicable fees. State Employees will be manually enrolled in classes starting the 1st instructional day of the quarter. To qualify for the waiver complete the State Employee Space Available Tuition Waiver and submit your admissions application once the form is complete submit to Enrollment Services, Building 7 or email to enrollmentservices@nigzob.com.
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